Monday, December 13

Posted by nolly at 4:04 PM
Heyya peepz, hope all's well and good with you all..

2011 is coming! happy..nervous..excited.. plain.., all mixed up and I don't really have a specific feeling right now. Eventhough I don't know what will happen, I guess something good may happen next year, insyaAllah :)

Azam? hrmm so far I've only got one.. nak dapat 4 flat! ngehee it ain't that easy saya tahu. New semester begins next month. i am quite nervous lazy to go to lectures after soo many years. I have a total of 9 credits to enroll next year. cuak..cuakk... browsed the subjects through student portal, OMG OMG OMG tak tau nak pilih apa coz none are sipi2 connected to my rheology cosmetic project. so prolly i need to go to all classes before choosing ones. In fact some classes will be taught during weekends, another cabaran for next year :(

i gotta study hard but i want to play hard too.

So kawan2, what's your resolution for 2011? sibuk nak tau :P



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