Tuesday, November 23


Posted by nolly at 9:16 AM
HAAH YE LAH TU..Of cos la kan, everyone is attracted to beauty. We found there are loads of quick ways to look healthy and beautiful. Some are just too simple and can save a hundred of your money like we have always heard of: drinking a lot of water, get exercise, get enough sleep, eat more veggies and fruits. But being a lady is an attitude, we sometimes prefer the "other" ways. We love spending. We like acute results. Thats why woman would never afraid of botox needles or mati sedut lemak. We never get bored of spending an hour in pharmacy to read the prescription label to find the one most promising. We are simply fooled by commercial ads promising that we can be slimmer, or prettier with this particular products which sometimes turned out with none or even bad results. We can be so pathetic to come up beauty right?

At the moment, I am more concerned about my skin complexion. I know it is impossible to get a skin with no zits, black and whiteheads and breakouts, in fact I have an oily skin which prone to acnes, but at times i want to make it possible. I want to get a glowing and radiant skin which I used to have once as far i remember that was when I was in third year during practical period in summer. At that time I went swimming everyday for about three months and so many people like my colleagues and friends have noticed on the change. I knew it wasn't just a compliment, yes it was real. So if I wanna do the same routine now, i really need to go swimming everyday. Even if there are a few pools nearby, am I willing to put effort to go everyday? I dont think so.

There are abundant of tips on webs and books. I want to get the remedies treatment or beauty product that actually work for me and are not just a scam. Please share with me ppl. Ok here are tips that we have always seen:

1. Change the way you look at FOOD.
Haa nak cantik tapi makan sume yg unhealthy hentam macam guineapig (oops!). I really cannot avoid eating greasy, creamy, fatty fried foods so how? I think when you are young or so called teenagers you can eat what you want because you have high metabolism rate and maybe your digestion system works well. But when you get older, do you notice that u can easily gain weight for example makan lemak2 selama seminggu, perut buncit, badan letih, lemak bawah dagu naik berlapis2..susah nak kawal?

Susah. I am lazy to exercise.

3. Be a SLEEPING beauty.
so should be no late-night window shopping at Downtown, or late-lepak at Bangi Kopitiam? susah tu nak buat.

4. Never skip SKINCARE regimens.
Three basic steps: cleansing, toner and moisturising. i hardly find one that best for my skin. I have tried many products before as far as i remember most of them caused more breakouts after some time. Currently I use Neutrogena products, so far ok tapi we should see later in two months. Sometimes the products work for me but after certain time my skin get worse or sometimes what we call dah "imune"?. Susah.

5. Take SUPPLEMENTS (if necessary)
At the moment, I only take two supplements: Vit C (Blackmores) and I just tried this Neem herbs from Himalaya to get rid of acne. For this three weeks no new acne came out, even i just had my period last week. Macam bagus je la kan. Pastu gatal plak dengan Caq discuss nak amik NH collagen la soy protein la facial la. huh tak payah la Caq those will cost us money. tlg igt kite pelajar.

Sometimes i feel so envy. Some people are just plain lucky coz they were born naturally beauty. So if you are the one just like me don't feel bad about yourself. Always remember there are some parts of your body or soul that are beautiful no matter what. And please husbands and boyfriends, PUJI la sket ur partner, bukan kene bayar pun kan. lol. We would feel good with little compliments, but not too much sbb nampak sangat tipu.End.



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