Sunday, August 5


Posted by nolly at 7:46 AM
Yesterday, i supposed to go to Ada's for dance practice. I was still sleeping when Ada called me at 1145am. I know it is definitely not a good attitude but i am sorry babe, I really felt sick and tired, or senang cite malas berusaha untuk bangun. I got up 130pm, with a swinging mood, derived by an awkward silent cz no ones were at home. Shit, I then felt bad because skipped the practice, immediately called Ada to ask hows practice and stuff.

I spent my Saturday at home, uploading some photos on facebook, and had some chats with some friends. Hanis came back at 5pm, turned my mood for a little while before she went out again for friend's birthday. I quickly called my dearest hubby, asking him to come and give me company. *Problem settled* ;) Thanks bibieyy.


Anonymous said...

problem settled tu cam ayat ninja big brother je hahahaha


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