Tuesday, August 15

entry for today

Posted by nolly at 8:37 AM
noly unintentionally become a super-punctual std. she came to class an hour early. wheeee. mane ade. actually i thot it was at 10. hard searching for other ppl, but no one in lecture. haihh. call syu and br tau. kelas pkl 11 la mek. damn!
anyway, i’ll be going to Mhall this evening. not because i wanted to meet the menteri ke pegawai ape ntah. i’m craving for malay foods. Come on Abg Sam, masak lah sedap2 yeah? *drool*
i watched Gubra lastnite, it was better than Sepet (i think). Lebih mature dr Sepet. Yasmin still memaparkan adegan panas dan kemban. So pndai2 la menilai baik dan buruk masa tgk :)
I quickly feel tired nowadays. kulit kering, mata kuyu, rasa uncomfortable. prolly lacked of vitamins. entahla.

saya tidak puas hati! tp tktau kpd siape :(
why? WHY?, we (chemeng) std are/were/will be busy for the whole sem?


zhi shu on August 15, 2006 10:58 PM said...

statement last tu aku sokong..kemeng gedik..HAHAH

nolly on August 17, 2006 3:35 PM said...

tu aa psl.. kemeng sengal thp cipanzee :P


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