guys did u realize that we only have about 7 or 8 months before we leave Sydney for good.. tk sangka kan hampir 4 thn dh kita kt sini... ingat lagi masa detik first all of us reached Sydney airport.. dgn sebiji luggage besar, sebiji luggage kecik, beg laptop.. hahaa.. pastu sampai2 je, org 1st kita jumpe is Hendra... walaweii... rasa cm baru je smlm benda tu berlaku...
kita dh face 3/4 degree kita dh weh.. wah tak sangkanya... susah payah struggle dgn keje uni, assignment yg byk... problem kawan, problem cinta, problem family.. aduhaii.. banyak rupanya benda yg berlaku kt kita kan?
when i went back to Malaysia to do internship in kl, i realize that there is a HUGE different between me and my other local friends... not to say that i am being 'berlagak' because i am studying abroad.. but frankly to say that we are more mature than them in a sense of life...
we faced a lot, cry a lot, learn a lot and we had a lot experience here... in a way its good coz experiences really help us to survive in this world...
lately hanis selalu bwk jln2 since her friend left a car, went for holiday...
biasalah perempuan, sometimes we had some emotional vibration, so we had a nonstop talk, we cried together, face the sea and shout together, hugged each other! aik do we sound like a les partner? huh who cares?

look at the photos guys..!!
omigod, this is one of my most unforgettable moment in Sydney...! hey Sydney cun maa... yeah i know u can get a similar view at Bukit Antarabangsa.. but guys please bear in ur mind the fact that instead that u get the nice view of the whole kl, u also cannot resist some annoying views of belangkas2, rempit2, and unwanted JAIS.. silap haribulan, kene cekup ngan JAIS.. simpang malaikat.. haiyoo... huhuu...
ohhh i really gonna miss Sydney :,(
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