hey everyone!
sorry its been a week since the last update.. quite malas to update my blog, knowing that i can only talk about how busy i am, my lazy-ness, uni life and bla bla bla..
helped yanti masak soto yesterday.. soto yanti sgt sedap.. suddenly realize that ive never invited ppl come to my place for makan2.. its not cz im kedekut to beli makanan or ape.. actually i love having potluck and parties.. it would be great if i could handle one by myself.. but the problem is i cannot cook for ppl.. like cooking mee ladna, mee kari for ramai2 org.. haihh.. i dunno how to estimate the portions for ppl, to use all the 4 plates at the same time, to masak hebat2 laa senang cerita..
everytime i call mom, she will always ask me what i eat everyday.. i know she worried too much about me cz i never been in the kitchen before.. i never siang ikan.. i could not recognize any of the ikan except for ikan bawal cz sgt sedap!.. i'll muncung if she asks me to help her potong2 sayur, kupas kentang, bawang and so on.. how sad.. but mom, dun worry ur daughter won't mati kebulur kt sydney ni.. well, at least i can cook NASI GORENG! not too bad laa kn? hehehee..
im flying to goldcoast this wednesday! its time for roller coaster babeh!!
#PRU14 Result!!!
As being posted HERE aku dah berjaya jalan kn tanggungjawab as a Malaysian
on the 9/5/2018 jam 9.30 am aku berjalan kaki dgn berpayung ke tempat
6 years ago
room warming nasik goreng pon bleh...tak kesah punye ;)
terime kasih tolong saye masak..leng kali leh tlg lg..hehe..
yeah true, true.. nasik goreng wil do! go noly go! :D
alamak.. jaga korg (syu esp).. nnti skill aku dh meningkat, akan ku cabar korg, kite buat ala2 iron chef.. ade berani?? muahahaa
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