morning people, yeah i am really in a good mood!. I woke up early, said Hi to my little babies in the bowl yet told myself that i need to get a hard work on design. Come one Nolliey, u can do it.!
Hrmm it is only 10am, don't know why i update the blog plus I dont have anything to report for today. *korek korek kepala*.
Aaaaa... On the previous entry I had introduced u guys to my fishy kan? , Ape kate arini i introduce you to my sleeping partners. Heehe.. First one kt gmbar bwh ni name dia Cutiey, umur dia dh 3 tahun lebih. Bapak dia name Arep, dok kt umah no. 109. Cutiey nie di adopt dari K-Mart, sama hari dengan his friend, a purple kitten named Diva (ada kat bilik Hanis skrg). Arep bought cute lillte Cutiey for me, saja2 tanda kasih sayang kot :P Pastu Hanis pun sibuk nak jugak. Ciss..

Partner no. 2 nih nama dia Casey (senarnye KC = kawan cutiey). Bapak dia One-d, musuh utama Cutiey, dok kat Harvard Square. Umur Casey ni baru je seminggu, tapi sbb kuat sgt makan badan dia besar sket aa. Casey nih bulu dia fluffy la sket dr Cutiey, mahal sket kot sebagai tanda cinta abadi One-d kepada Nolliey dan tanda ke'jeleous'an nye terhadap Cutiey. hehee time kasih biey...

P.S Cutiey dan Casey sgt teguh melayan karenah emaknya. Itulah alkisah buat hari ini. Semoga terhibur ;)